After my children were born, my physical and mental symptoms got worse, and I weighed over 320 pounds! Throughout the years I tried many western and alternative healing modalities along with fad diets, TOPS, fen-phen (phentermine), Weight Watchers, etc. with only temporary, limited success. I had to keep trying because I was desperate. I knew that I had the option to give up and die, but I could not abandon my children, and I had the overwhelming feeling that I was meant for better times – so I hung in there year after year. I also attended many therapy sessions: day therapy, residential therapy, counselling, AA, NA, etc. with limited success.
During all of this time, I underwent 8 major abdominal surgeries, two of which were botched: I lost my spleen during a surgery in 1988; then in 2007 I went in for a minor incision hernia repair. The surgeon inadvertently sliced into my small intestine in at least two places. Even though I remained in hospital, this went undetected for 7 days as I gained 45 pounds of my own waste material, which spread throughout my body. I was dying!
On the 7th day I was rushed into another surgery, but by the fifth hour they had to call it off, after finding and repairing only one of the lacerations. To spare you the details, I spent the next 5 weeks in a hellish hospital experience with faulty machines, experimental medications and procedures resulting in sepsis, diabetes, a completely numb left thigh, spinal injuries, a large wound that had to be kept open and continuously, mechanically drained; and brain damage due to oxygen deprivation. Even though I was given oxygen, my lungs could not inflate because my lung cavities were full of waste fluids, and the hospital staff didn’t consider this until about 4 days after the second surgery.
Afterwards, I was sent home with a huge open wound, drainage tube, and very little aftercare because my physician unexpectedly left town about the same time. Doctors are in short supply in the North Island area where I lived at the time, and a replacement was not readily available. Words cannot express the suffering I experienced, and the frustration I felt, because I was too ill to advocate for myself. The pain medication was totally inadequate while in hospital, and then cut off after I was sent home. This took place in 2007 and I am still recuperating today!
In 2011, I developed several masses under my right arm, and the local doctor sent me for tests. The ultrasound revealed a few “hypo-echoic tumors” in my right armpit. She told me that I had cancer and that we had to get right onto the cancer protocols: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The treatment scared me more than the disease did, and I never went back to see her again. She made me an appointment to see a surgeon, (to have the tumours removed), and I kept that one appointment dated three months in the future. In the meantime, I restricted my diet, took long walks and developed my own affirmation/visualization program to restore my health. Unbelievably, three months later when I saw the surgeon, the symptoms were gone. The surgeon was astounded.
I have had more than my fair share of suffering, but the good news is that I was forced to rebuild a brand new Karen. I knew if I could get through this, I could get through anything. I had nothing to fear or to hold me back. My Spirit Guides were with me every step of the way, suggesting exactly what I needed through my intuition and lucid dreams. 2014 was a landmark year for me, because it was the first time I was able to work a little for many years; (although I had various minor volunteer positions the preceding two years).
It was during this period of time that I met ET. Click here to learn more.
Don’t feel sorry for me. My suffering has led to great refinement and a deep understanding of the human condition. I developed so much compassion for humanity that I was motivated to create the 9 Steps to Quantum Health Transformation; and to share this without financial barriers so that all may have access to this vital, life enhancing information. I also discovered the great power of forgiveness!
Today I am about 150 pounds less than at my top weight. I have conquered all of my addictions, use no pharmaceutical/synthetic medications of any kind, and am clear and bright with a very sunny view of my future. As some things in the world seem to crash and burn around me, I keep getting better every day, and have much to look forward to as I live my life mindfully and consciously. My daily practice of meditation and lucid dreaming opens doors of possibility that I never before considered.
In spite of my challenges and advancing age, in 2001 I earned a Diploma in Women’s Studies at North Island College, and in 2004 I earned a Bachelor Degree (with Distinction) in Social Work at the University of Victoria. I took a generalist program focusing on sociology, addictions and family counselling. My education, dealing with my issues, and beating the odds puts me in an ideal position to coach others with their well-being and spirituality. Enlightenment (ascension) is within reach of every human being; indeed it is our birthright. I would love to be your coach, and assist you to find your own Inner Guru, to assist you with your journey. Life is good. :o)