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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, June 30th, 2024 – QUANTUM PHYSICS AS WE UNDERSTAND IT

Welcome back to our weekly live Q&A Community Chat, and today I am sad to say that my special guest – Philip Kinsella is unable to make it to the show after all, but the good news is that he will be with us next week! Due to the last-minute changes, I have switched the topics with next week’s program and today we are going to discuss Quantum Physics As We Understand It. This was a viewer requested topic, and if you would like to request a topic for a future show, let me know in the live chat or in the comments and I will do my best to add it to the programming. Please post your questions and comments during the live chat. You are welcome to join our Facebook Group called Aliens & Angels. All of the links are featured below in the description. Leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!