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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, August 18th, 2024 – E .T. & ASTRAL CONTACT with Don Rogers

Welcome back to our weekly live Q&A Community Chat, and today I am pleased to bring you another interesting topic for discussion – E.T. & ASTRAL CONTACT and my special guest Don Rogers from March 4th Productions. Have you ever considered that E.T. astral contact is possible even when using CE5 protocols? According to my own experiences and those of other E.T. contactees, we can contact E.T. interdimensionally, and this is also known as astral projection and transdimensional travel! Join our lively discussion and become part of the conversation. You are welcome to join our Facebook Group called Aliens & Angels. All of the links are featured below in the description. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!