Karen Holton shared about her Zen Domes Orgone Generators and the healing aspects, energy, and the quantum field and how everything is connected to our chakras and all aspects of our life.
Karen Holton shared about her Zen Domes Orgone Generators and the healing aspects, energy, and the quantum field and how everything is connected to our chakras and all aspects of our life.
All things are connected! Find out how orgone generators work, and how they are connected with the chakras, colour spectrum, sound spectrum, crystals, our solar system and our energy system through the quantum field. Everything you ever wanted to know about orgone and your health. Thanks for liking, subscribing and sharing!
Feel Better Fast! Here is How to Do It! Enjoy pleasure, comfort, healing, deep relaxation and a hightened spiritual experience: Find out about the benefits of setting up your own personal retreat in the privacy of your home. Now, more than ever, we need to relax! • Acid and Alkaline • Turn off your WIFI! • Seek out healing music – never use your cell phone! • When it comes to candles, a warning about paraffins • Subdued lighting • Make use of herbs and spices, but be careful not to add anything too spicy and much more… Experiment until you find several of your favourite concoctions.
Enjoy comfort, healing and deep relaxation: Find out about the benefits of taking a therapeutic bath, and learn how to set this up for yourself. Now, more than ever, we need to relax! Check out the rest of this 4 part series.
This is the sequel to “Take a Therapeutic Bath with Karen Holton”. Continue to enjoy comfort, healing and deep relaxation: Find out how to set up your own healing spa for advanced health and healing. Now, more than ever, we need to relax! This video is to follow “Taking a Therapeutic Bath with Karen Holton”, and includes a deeper dive into self-healing, self-soothing and energy work. Do go back and watch the prequel video before proceeding with this one.
Want to get more out of your bath? Enjoy comfort, healing and deep relaxation: Find out about the benefits of taking a therapeutic bath, and learn how to set this up for yourself. Now, more than ever, we need to relax! This is the third video in the Therapeutic Bath series, and it provides you with a guided meditation to enhance the detoxification process. This podcast will help you to find a deeper level of relaxation. Take a deeper dive into self-healing, self-soothing and energy work. Do go back and watch the prequel videos before proceeding with this one.
Want to make spiritual contact with the heavenly realms, while you enjoy comfort, healing and deep relaxation? Find out about the benefits of taking a therapeutic bath, and learn how to set this up for yourself. Now, more than ever, we need to relax! This is the fourth video in the Therapeutic Bath series, and it provides you with a guided meditation to enhance healing and spiritual contact. This podcast will help you to find a deeper level of relaxation, and offers the chance to connect with your soul team. Take a deeper dive into self-healing, self-soothing and energy work. Do go back and watch the prequel videos before proceeding with this one.
Fill Your Boots with Orgone! Genuine Zen Domes orgone generators are only available, while supply lasts, from my website shop.
This relaxing video features many of the unique orgone generators now available from my website shop.
This relaxing video features many of the unique orgone generators now available from my website shop.