Create your own enegetic shield to protect yourself from 5G, and other harmful Electro-Magnetic Frequencies, with the assistance of this guided visualization/meditation. This is how I protect myself, and includes an implant removal component. Due to technical difficulties, this video ends abruptly, but the entire visualization process is complete.
Learn how to protect yourself from 5G and other harmful Electro-Magnetic Frequencies by building your own personal energy shield. This is how I protect myself and its totally doable!
Learn how to grid your home with orgone generators. Man-made Elecro-Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) form an invisible pollution, which is not good for you! Find out how to restructure these frequencies. Discover why Zen Domes Orgonite is your best option for uniquely and ethically structured orgone. To learn more about Genuine Zen Domes Orgonite, click here.
Learn about the relationship between your orgone generators, your chakras, and how they work together to give you more of what you want out of life. Discover why Zen Domes Orgonite is your best option for uniquely and ethically structured orgone. To learn more about Genuine Zen Domes Orgonite – click here.
Discover how shapes and symbols affect the orgone field, and how to get the most out of your orgone generators. More reasons why Zen Domes Orgonite is your best option for uniquely and ethically structured orgone.
Find out what Quantum Entanglement can do for your orgone generators, and how you can do this process for yourself at home. Discover why Zen Domes Orgonite is your best option for uniquely and ethically structured orgone.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Orgone Generators! This introductory video explains the basics – how orgonite works, ethical sourcing, and why Zen Domes differ from many orgonites found in shops. To learn more about Zen Domes Orgonite click here, and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
Quantum Health Transformation presents Edible Wild Plants with Wes Gietz
Welcome to the wonderful world of edible & medicinal wild plants! This live action video features Wes Gietz ( and was produced, filmed, narrated, & edited by Karen Holton ( We feature Ox Eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella), Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Hairy Cat’s Ear or False Dandelion (Hypochaeris radicata), Lamb’s Quarters (Chenopodium album), Peppergrass Lepidium virginicum, Shepherd’s-purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris), & Plantain (Plantago major). These plants do not have any dangerous/poisonous look-a-likes and are a great place to start experimenting with wild edible foods. Just add a few leaves (of whichever plant you are drawn to from this video) to the foods you are already eating to supercharge your health. All wild foods are super-foods. They are beautiful, nutritious, medicinal and they taste good.
To my American customers - please be advised that you may face a 25% tariff charge on orgone generators & crystals purchased from my shop. The good news is that all prices shown are in CAD, and $1.00 CAD = $ 0.63 USD so even if you are charged a tariff, you will likely pay less than you think. Thank you for your kind support. Dismiss