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Quantum Guides Show E12 – Jeremy Lasman & iSelf: Imagination Technology

Jeremy Lasman created iSelf Imagination Technology: A new level of passion for your life and business. Join us for this vital discussion about how to move past the obstacles of our programming, and to embrace a multidimensional approach to our higher life purposes.

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Quantum Guides Show E11 – Alfred Lambremont Webre & EMERGENCE OF THE OMNIVERSE

Alfred Lambremont Webre explains the Universe, the Multiverse, and the Omniverse, in his latest book, “Emergence of the Omniverse”. Learn about the three principal cosmological bodies through which humanity comprehends the Cosmos – the Omniverse is the integrated whole of all the Universes in the Multiverse and the Spiritual dimensions that include the intelligent civilizations of souls, Spiritual Entities, and Source [“God”]. Join us for the intersection of science and consciousness!

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Quantum Guides Show E10 – Shawn Kevin Jason PRECOGNITION & RETROCAUSALITY

Shawn Kevin Jason is a lifetime experiencer and independent researcher, who has been on both sides of the paranormal phenomenon. He is a self-proclaimed precognitive and believes his ability to foresee future events has led to new insights on the nature of reality, and its relationship with the unexplained. Join us for this facinating discussion!

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Quantum Guides Show E9 -Berit Stover, Beth Mund & LIVING BEYOND FEAR

Join Berit Stover, Beth Mund and I, as we discuss their paranormal journeys, and their new book, Living Beyond Fear: Sacred Letters from the Afterlife. This collection of 21 profoundly Sacred Letters provide the energy, power and divine guidance for living life more fully and abundantly.

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Quantum Guides Show E7 – Aage Nost & The MasterMind Connection

Find out how you can make a real difference in this world. Health, peace and abundance are closer than you think: the MasterMind Connection is here. Join Aage Nost (author, radio host, and spiritual teacher) and I, to learn more about the MasterMind Connection.

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Quantum Guides Show E6 – Jordan Maxwell & Illuminating the Darkness

Jordan Maxwell has been an independent scholar in the field of occult/religious philosophy since 1959. His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world. Find out more about our constructed reality from the brilliant mind of Jordan Maxwell. We examine the intersection point of politics, religion, economics, patriarchy and language. Join Jordan and I in Episode 6 of the Quantum Guides Show.

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Quantum Guides Show E5 – Hummingbird Jewel & Self-Love

Hummingbird Jewel (AKA Julia Rodgers), holds a Doctorate of Divinity and has studied spirituality and metaphysics since 1974. At 61 she is the face for reverse aging. Julia is passionate about her work to help and guide others, and gives back via her charitable work, as she strives to accomplish her mission statement: “To Teach Love by being an Example of Love”.

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Quantum Guides Show E4 – Lorilei Potvin & Alternative Realities

Lorilei Potvin is a Psychic Medium Empath, Akashic Records Practitioner, Crystal Reiki Master/Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Mentor, Registered Nurse, YouTuber and the Digital Internet Radio Host of her Show called: ‘The Angel Rock with Lorilei Potvin’. Lorilei offers tips and perspectives to assist you with your journey.