TRANSDIMENSIONAL 2: Meet the Greys Picture Book – signed copy


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Once Karen Holton published her first book titled, “TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours”, she began to experience “urges” to create a second book called, “TRANSDIMENSIONAL 2: Meet the Greys Picture Book”.  This book is a result of the telepathic directives that she was receiving.

Karen kept getting the urge to work with AI to develop many images of beings that we have come to know of as the “Greys”.  These beings come from many places, realms, dimensions and timelines, and although they are of the same species as other humanoids, they are from many different family lines and races.  What qualifies them as “Greys” is that their skin does not contain the pigment necessary to reflect light in our visible range of the colour spectrum, so to us, they all appear to be various shades of grey.

With over 250 full-page, AI generated images found within this book, you will notice that some “Greys” look similar to us Humans, but many do not.  All seem to have very thin bodies without any visible body fat, have heads and eyes that are proportionally larger than Humans, have longer arms and sometimes longer legs than us, and vary in height from about three feet to eight feet tall.  Most seem to be hairless, and some have three dexterous fingers on each hand, while others have four or five.  Beyond these few physical attributes, there is much diversity in their origins, cultures, purposes and physiological details.

Karen has also included some paragraphs written by eight people who have had extensive experiences with the “Greys”: herself, Preston Dennett, Dolly Safran, Nancy Thames, Philip & Ronald Kinsella, Elsa Dillon & Jimmy Blanchette.  Although some of them were very much afraid in the beginning, they came to understand this phenomenon as making sense, having a higher purpose for all of humankind.

Karen Holton’s goal is to get you used to the looks of beings which are different than Humans, in order to reduce your fear and increase your familiarity so that you will remain more rational and grounded once the E.T. presence escalates beyond debate.  Enjoy these images and notice the things we have in common, so you will see that they are not that different from us in appearance, and we are essentially many family lines within one species.

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