All things are connected! Find out how orgone generators work, and how they are connected with the chakras, colour spectrum, sound spectrum, crystals, our solar system and our energy system through the quantum field. Everything you ever wanted to know about orgone and your health. Thanks for liking, subscribing and sharing!
Kimberly Manley had many strange occurrences happen to her in her life, which led to her quest for this world, and she now lives in a great spiritual journey. Kimberly loves reading/researching, dot-connecting, working with crystals, singing bowls, essential oils, bird communication, orgone making, and she is currently working on a crystal grid around the planet. As a member of Connecting Consciousness, Kimberly spreads love, and anchors in the mother goddess energies through her body, her actions, and the grid work that she is a part of, called The New Atlantis Grid. Find out more on this Quantum Guides Show!
Check out my latest selection of orgone generating angels. Beautifully hand-made, ethically sourced and double charged for maximum effect. More reasons why Zen Domes Orgonite is your best option for uniquely and ethically structured orgone.
Karen Holton on orgone generators, sex in space and Extra Terrestrial planning for Earth’s Evacuation. Also more about ET culture on the big space ships.
Before the universe came into being, there were only two
things; existence, and non existence. In actuality, there was only one thing,
as non existence cannot be a thing, things inherently imply existence. Thus is
the void, a vast nothingness, of, well, nothing. No movement, no sound, no
light, no space, no time, NO THING. But the paradox lies within this
definition; if there is no thing, we must first have the notion of THING for
there to be an observation of this “lack” of existence. We are here now, and we
are things, thus there MUST have been some THING that existed alongside No
Thing, and it must have had the qualities within it that set it apart from non
existence. This Thing, as you’ve guessed, is God, Source, Singularity,
Consciousness. It is EVERYTHING contained in One THING.
Sacred geometry is the study of the fundamental patterns,
structures, processes and principles that are at the foundation of reality, and
the application of this knowledge in the design of human social and
technological systems.
Throughout nature, at all scales from micro to macro, we can
see and discern patterns, structures and processes that are common to all
manifestation. For example, the vortex spiral is clearly present in galaxies,
in the gas clouds of planets, in our own clouds and the oceans of Earth, in
hurricanes, tornadoes, in our sinks as water drains, in plants and shells, and
even in the flow of hair at the back of our heads. These same patterns are also
present at the micro scale in cells, DNA molecules, and in atomic structures.
The spiral is one pattern in an array of patterns,
structures and processes found throughout the cosmos that combine to reveal a
whole unified model of what we call a cosmic geometry—a geometry—that underlies
all form and process.
Though often we can only see a small portion of this unified
model, such as the vortex in the examples just mentioned, there is emerging at
this time an understanding of the integrated whole system of which the vortex
is a part.
Universe and the natural systems found in it are exemplary
of sustainable design. For 14 billion years the cosmos has evolved without
depletion of energy as a whole. Life on Earth has experienced many a radical
change over millions of years, yet all in all it continues to thrive when left
to its own natural evolutionary processes. And yet now the impacts of its
preeminent species, human beings, are clearly affecting the balance of natural
systems on this planet which are increasingly exhibiting rates of change
towards instability and potential systems collapse with every scientific
Nature will eventually return to a state of balance, as it
always does, but the consequences may be extremely challenging and potentially
fatal for humanity and many life forms affected by these changes. It is well
known that the extinction rate of species is now as much as 1000 times the
natural background rate, a significant cause apparently being human impacts on
ecosystems, habitat and the biosphere as a whole.
It is clear that the course we are on is not sustainable,
let alone one by which we and all life can thrive. In order to address this
dilemma, to course correct our trajectory, we must now embrace a paradigm shift
in the understanding of what constitutes a sustainable, thriving system. The
assumptions of how to design our economies, our educational and political
systems, our communications media and its truly effective use, and all our
human-contrived social and technological constructs, are generally based on an
old and very limited perception of how life and the cosmos actually work. At a
fundamental level of understanding, we humans have built our world based upon
beliefs and perceptual frameworks that are grossly limited in their sustaining
effectiveness simply due to the fact that they do not include a large portion
of understanding about what constitutes a whole and sustainable system. We are
fortunate, though, to have arrived at the threshold of awakening to a new
paradigm of the fundamental perception of how cosmic design, at all scales,
innately produces sustainable systems, and what the factors are—the patterns,
structures, processes and principles—that comprise these systems.
In the first half of the 20th century, Buckminster Fuller
began exploring a new way of understanding nature’s patterns, structures and
processes which developed into one of his life’s masterworks, Synergetics:
Explorations into the Geometry of Thinking. Fuller perceived that nature and
the universe employ a particular set of energetic relationships that are at the
foundation of nature’s coordinate system and the way nature designs organic
structures and systems of high integrity and sustainability. Synergetic
Geometry lays the groundwork of the paradigm shift in our understanding with a
simple, yet fundamental, shift in our perceptual framework: the shift from a
primarily cube-based, 90° X-Y-Z coordinate system (generally regarded as the
standard by which to measure and map reality) to a 60° coordinate system
wherein the tetrahedron is understood to be the fundamental structural form and
the root of an elegant and synergetic integration of all geometric structures,
including the cube. Our old cubic paradigm is not wrong, just grossly limited!
Fuller found that by designing structures based upon synergetic geometries and
principles we can increase efficiency of performance per unit of energy input
quite dramatically to achieve sustainable, thriving systems.
Following the foundational groundwork of Fuller’s
Synergetics, a number of pioneering researchers have begun to expand our
understanding of this new paradigm, perceiving in nature the underlying
processes and principles that are at play in the design of healthy living
systems. One essential understanding is that nature inherently includes
feedback loops in such systems, a self-reflexive process by which the system
learns from its environment, adjusts accordingly to maintain balance and
well-being for itself and its surroundings, and communicates back out to its
environment new patterns and behaviors that exhibit these adjustments and
informs the living system as a whole. The form that underlies this process is
the torus.
This form can be seen literally and discerned conceptually
in all natural systems, from blood cells and biological processes, to the
resource exchange of plants and animals with their environment, outward to the
macrocosmic realms of planets, stars and galaxies, and inward to the
microcosmic elemental and atomic realms. The synergetic geometries and toroidal
flow patterns appear to be fundamental to all cosmic creation.
With this greatly increased understanding of the fundamental
patterns, structures, processes and principles of cosmic manifestation now
emerging in consciousness we have a new
opportunity to design our human systems based upon a more whole,
integrated and naturally sustainable design foundation. Here’s an example of
how doing so can greatly enhance the efficiency of our technologies.
“A three-dimensional logarithmic spiral is found in the
shells of mollusks, in the spiraling of tidal-washed kelp fronds, and in the
shape of our own skin pores, through which water vapor escapes. Liquids and
gases flow centripetally through these geometrically consistent flow forms with
far less friction and more efficiency. PAX Scientific (USA) has designed fans,
propellers, impellers, and erators based on this shape.
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Particle Image Velocimetry
tests showed the technology’s streamlining effect can reduce energy
requirements in fans and other rotors from between 10 and 85%, depending upon
the application; the fan blade design also reduces noise by up to 75%. The
first air-handling products scheduled for release are fans in computers, auto
air-conditioners, and kitchen range hoods. The Pax streamlining principle could
also lead to improvements in industrial mixers, water pumps, marine propellers,
and devices for circulating blood in the body.”
Source: Biomimicry Institute,
By simply aligning the design of technologies with the patterns and ratios that nature
incorporates we are already gaining efficiencies in basic systems and
technologies that clearly lead to the development of sustainable
solutions. Imagine applying this kind
of knowledge to the design of all of our human systems, not just the
technological ones. Imagine a media and communications system that is designed
to not only broadcast information but to also provide a feedback mechanism that
allows for a self-reflexive and adaptive environment of learning and exchange
for all involved. With the capabilities now at hand through Internet media we can
do exactly that and for the first time empower our communities to create their
own news, provide vital information needed to make informed decisions, and
feedback into this communication system the choices best suited to evolve into
a healthy and thriving community system. The same fundamental principle applies towards creating balanced
and effective political, educational
and economic systems locally and for the world as a whole.
Sacred geometry offers a deep inquiry into this emerging
field and a means to present and promote this knowledge as a foundational basis
for the design of sustainable and healthy living systems.
Humanity is challenged to shift our ways rapidly so as to
tip the scales back towards a balanced and healthy planetary ecosystem. Old
paradigm solutions cannot meet these challenges, and in fact are a primary
contributor to the cause of the problems we face. We must now look deeply into
the underlying constructs of the unified whole of nature and the universe, not
only from a scientific perspective but from the innately intuitive realization
that we are truly awakening to a new paradigm of unity consciousness and the
intrinsic interconnectedness of all things.
The deeper study of the principles of sacred geometry causes
better connection between our hemispheres. Right cerebral hemisphere, intuition
and creative, simple and without
logical analysis, experiencing a perception of reality here and now as
it is. Left cerebral hemisphere analyzes the contrary, in time and space, distinction,
evaluates, compares and logically
examines. Perception and understanding of sacred geometry, drawing, or just
watching the various shapes, the harmonization and communication of hemispheres
occurring and one enters into a single type of consciousness and perception of reality.
Orgone energy was originally discovered by Austrian
psychiatrist and psychologist Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) in his psychiatric
work. This energy, however, has been known by different names for centuries by
cultures all across the world, such as Chi or Qi. In Sanskrit it is expressed
as Kundalini. Indian yoga adepts call it Prana and western cultures call it
Ether or Vacuum energy, Universal life force, etc. Chi energy is an omnipresent
energy, which gives birth to space-time itself, its matter content, and all the
living organisms in it. The energy is of the cosmic origin and does not
originate in our bodies, but the body receives this energy through our chakra
system, and so it manifests itself physically.
Orgone energy consists of two components, positive orgone
energy (POR = Positive Orgone) and negative energy, also called DOR energy
(Deadly Orgone). Both of these components are always in balance with each other
in the universe. There is abundant energy in space in various stages of quality
and concentration, but the energy cannot be anywhere completely absent. It
takes a form of statistically isotropic and homogeneous vacuum (quantum)
turbulence and it has no weight (pure energy with no mass). This is one of the
main reasons why it is very difficult to measure it by conventional techniques.
However, literally everything arises naturally from this intangible field of
orgone/vacuum energy. Orgone energy is the source of spin (rotation) of all things
and electromagnetic and gravitational fields.
Orgone energy is attracted to concentrations of orgone
energy. Unlike heat or electricity, which always show a direction from higher
to lower potential, orgone energy flows from lower potential to higher potential.
Entropy decreases as orgone energy is distributed more and more unevenly.
However, it would be a mistake to think that the flow of orgone energy from
lower to higher potential is only the reverse of the law of entropy or to try
to represent these processes by thermodynamic equations by reversing the sign
of the time parameter. Non-entropic orgonotic processes do not run their course
mechanically; they are qualitatively entirely different from entropic
They are, in fact, the processes responsible for the growth
of all living things, for the process of learning, and for the evolution from
simple to complex species.
In non-living nature they are responsible for the growth of
clouds and storms within the atmosphere, and on a cosmic scale, for the growth
of galaxies and the stars within them.
Willhelm Reich described orgone as being a vital energy that
could be demonstrated visually, thermically and electroscopically. He
discovered that when non organic (metal) and organic material (e.g., wood or
cotton) are mixed together in layers, this mixture would act as a magnet to
this energy. He created big boxes with walls made of these mixtures where he
would place his patients to receive high amount of orgone energy into their
bodies. Reich patients were confirmed cured of different illnesses including
high advanced stages of cancer.
Dr. Reich developed several devices for the control of
orgone energy. The most famous of these is the orgone energy accumulator. A
closed box is formed by a system of layers of metallic and organic materials
between which concentration of energy occurs. The organic layer of the orgone
accumulator attracts and holds life energy from the atmosphere. The metallic
layer of the orgone accumulator attracts and simultaneously repels the life
energy in both directions. The organic layer re-passes the orgone energy back
to the metallic layer. The metallic layer radiates the energy to the inside
where it stays and has nowhere to escape.
The cloudbuster device, according to Reich’s descriptions,
consists of a special movable antenna resembling a large “pipe
organ”, which can be aimed at different parts of the sky. The device
influences natural energy currents between the atmosphere and the ground, and
when used in certain specific ways, wind and weather patterns respond
accordingly. When used correctly, the device is able to cause huge changes in
An orgonite can be any device that uses alternating layers
of organic and non-organic materials in various settings or a mixture of
catalyzed organic resin with metal shavings, particles or powders, poured into
a mold. This mixture of resin and metal particles works similarly to Reich’s
accumulators. Energy is repeatedly reflected by metal particles and, as a
result of this process, its vibration increases. A couple of crystals can be
added to the mixture for their ability to make the energy more coherent and to
enhance a specific function of the orgonite. The energy is purified and it is
radiated back to its surroundings as a vital healthy energy, enriched and
synchronized with healing minerals contained in the orgonite mixture. Thus
orgonite is basically a substance which functions as an energy transmutation
device, drawing in negative life energies and EMF pollution and transmuting it
into positive life energy. Orgonite does not need any external power source, so
it is possible to use it practically everywhere.
Orgone energy was originally discovered by Austrian
psychiatrist and psychologist Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957). This energy has been known by different names
for centuries, and by many cultures all across the world, as Chi or Qi.
In Sanskrit it is expressed as Kundalini. Indian yoga adepts call it Prana, and western
cultures call it Etheric or Zero Point energy, Universal Life Force, etc.
Chi energy is an omnipresent energy, which gives birth to
space-time itself, its matter content, and all the living organisms in it. The
energy is of cosmic origin, and does not originate in our bodies, but the body
receives this energy through our chakra system, and so it manifests itself
Orgone is programmable!
When placed on or near clients during all alternative healing
modalities, it supercharges the effect of the treatment. When imbued with specific intentions, Zen
Domes orgonite will direct the flow of orgone to help manifest your desires.
Another special ability of crystals, & especially the
quartz family, is that you can program the crystal with your intention, and
charge it with specific energy, be it from nature or people. The crystal will hold specific thoughts, or a
quality of energy that you ask it to hold.
Since Zen Domes clear the chakras and relax the body, they
promote wellness on energetic, physical, mental/emotional and spiritual
levels. When you hold, wear or keep your Zen Domes close to your body,
they interact directly with your energy field and promote the healing,
grounding and balancing of your life force energies, which promotes total
wellness. When placed near water, beverages and foods, they restructure
the molecules, which boost their energetic values and nourishment potential.
EMF and other energies are pulled into the bottom surface of
the pyramid, are conducted and dispersed by the metal/s, and then are retuned
by the crystals and orgone.
About a third of the way up from the bottom surface, the
pyramid shape concentrates the retuned energy and orgone, as it travels up
toward the top. There it is further
amplified before streaming the new, cleansed frequency and orgone, out of the
top point of the pyramid.
It is now known that ancient pyramids provided clean energy,
healing and intergalactic communications.
Modern pyramids of all sizes are being used for similar
purposes today.
Pyramids are the most powerful shape for Zen Dome orgone
generators. The negative energy is
absorbed, retuned, concentrated and then dispersed into the room. When you place them into a grid formation,
Zen Domes are exponentially effective, and protect the whole area.
So what is EMF?
Electro-Magnetic Frequencies come from cell phones, cordless phones,
mobile antennas, smart meters, broadcast towers, electrical security systems
and more. The higher the frequency, the greater the risk to health. For example, microwaves are very-high-frequency
(VHF) radiation, and they can pose a significant health risk. Many cell phone towers operate in the
microwave range.
There are many good reasons to grid your home with Zen
Throughout nature, at all scales from micro to macro, we can
see and discern patterns, structures and processes that are common to all
manifestation. For example, the vortex spiral is clearly present in galaxies,
in the gas clouds of planets, in our own clouds and the oceans of Earth, in
hurricanes, tornadoes, in our sinks as water drains, in plants and shells, and
even in the flow of hair at the back of our heads. These same patterns are also
present at the micro scale in cells, DNA molecules, and in atomic structures.
The spiral is one pattern in an array of patterns,
structures and processes found throughout the cosmos that combine to reveal a
whole unified model of what we call a cosmic geometry—a geometry—that underlies
all form and process.
Included as sacred geometry are ancient symbols from all
cultures like the pentagram and hexagram.
Sacred symbols create intention. When placed within Zen Domes orgonite, they
add intention to the energetic mix.
Your Zen Domes come already imbued with the intention of
serving you for your highest good. The
crystals are fully cleansed and charged, and the symbols add further positive
On a conscious or unconscious level, every time you look at
your beautiful Zen Dome, you are reminded of your worth, power and ability to
Everything produces frequency vibration: colour, sound,
every cell of our body and even the stones and crystals of the earth.
As humans, we sense only a very limited selection of
sound/colour vibration. Our auditory range
when we are young is about 20 Hz to 20 KHz.
Crystals produce a frequency vibration. For example, the bandwidth of clear quartz is
786,000 KHz, (which pulses faster than the speed of light). Although we do not detect this frequency with
our physical senses, this does not negate the powerful influence of the energetic
frequency vibrations of everything around us.
As an introduction to this concept, I look to one of the pioneers in this field, Dr. Masaru Emoto. Many are familiar with his experiments with words and how they affect the structure of water.
In his book “Water Crystal Healing: Music & Images to Restore Your Well-being”, (2006) Dr. Emoto tells us about his experiments with music, and how these vibrations affect water crystals in a profound way.
Dr. Emoto states, “Music with the appropriate rhythm, tempo, tone, and melody can correct distorted frequencies within our cells, assisting our health and healing”. On the following pages please read the Introduction from his book to learn how, in the same manner as music, the crystals found in Zen Domes Orgone Generators affect your environment and your well-being. To learn more about the positive influential frequencies produced by Zen Domes Orgonite, click here.
Republished with permission from Dr. Masaru Emoto.
What If There Were No Music?
What if there were no music at all in this world? can you imagine such a development? No music, no concerts, no records, no karaoke, no CDs. No songs to sing. No music programs on the radio or television. It’s difficult to even imagine. Without music, the world would be a boring place. Just thinking about such a world makes me depressed and stressed. Music has become such an integral part of our daily life that we can’t live without it.
What Is Music?
In Japanese, we write the word music as “enjoyment” of “sounds”. What is a sound? A sound invariably occurs wherever there is a vibration, so we could say that a sound is a vibration. (Although humans only hear sounds generated by vibrations between 15 Hz and 20,000 Hz, which are called audible sounds, all vibrations emit sounds.)
What, then, is a vibration? It is energy itself, moving through matter. As waves of energy disturb particles of matter, the particles move, like floating balls on water, going up and down with the wave pattern.
Music, then, is an art form through which we experience
vibrations, which is actually energy itself.
The Symphony Inside Our Body
Our body is composed of upwards of 100 trillion cells. Surprisingly, the vibration of each cell is slightly different from those of other cells. This means that each cell is generating a slightly different sound. With so many cells in our body, if we could use a high-quality microphone to collect all these sounds, we would hear a great symphony that is constantly being played inside our body.
In my research of vibrations within the body, I have found that the origin of any disease is a disturbance in the frequency within each cell. We could say that the more harmonious and the more beautiful our body’s symphony is, the healthier both the body and mind should become. Conversely, when discordant vibrations increase, our body and mind will turn negative and finally a disease will become manifest. For this reason, great doctors of “the good ol’ days” were able to find abnormalities in the body of a patient with only the help of a stethoscope.
Controlling a Vibration with Another Vibration
It is not difficult to restore a distorted sound to its normal state: one can simply measure the wave form of the existing sound, shift its phase ninety degrees (that is, curving “down” where the original is curving “up”), and then play it alongside the original sound. The distorted sound will be cancelled out and no sound will be heard. This technology has already been applied to reduce the noise generated from the engine of a car.
The reason that we need music resides in this principle. The stresses of modern society distort the vibrations of the cells in our body. To assist these distorted vibrations in returning to normal, we choose music – vibrations – with the right rhythm, tempo, tone, and melody to cancel out the distortion. For this reason, music has been our companion since the dawn of human history, in many different forms, and continues to give us healing effects.
“Seeing” Music
Music is meant to be heard. But using the technique of water-crystal photography that I developed years ago, it is possible to “see” music. It works in the following manner: a water crystal is a geometrical design shaped by a vibration and a sound is a vibration. So if you listen to a piece of music and look at the water crystal created by the vibration of that music simultaneously, you can “see” the vibrational pattern of the music in the crystal and absorb all the vibrations into your body through your eyes and ears.
Music Therapy
Organs and diseases have measurable hado, a subtle form of energy that is easily transmittable and present in all things. In English, hado translates as “wave motion” or “vibration.” In the near future, as research progresses, the hado associated with all organs and diseases will become clear and widely understood. Then, it will become possible to compose music that has vibrations and rhythm corresponding to a certain organ or disease – for example, a piece of music that can cancel the hado of liver cancer.
I imagine that, at some future time, the technology to help people absorb beneficial vibrations will be widely adopted. When that day comes, a water-crystal representation of a piece of music will be placed on the music’s packaging, and listeners will be able to enjoy music that is composed of the vibrations that are most beneficial to them. They will select music with the water-crystal image they are most attracted to at that moment and will receive healing effects from “seeing” as well as “hearing” the vibration. While enjoying music, listeners can not only reduce their diseases but also prevent them.
This Music Series
Until such a day arrives, I have collected these pieces of
classical music, which my research has shown to produce beautiful crystals that
suggest healing and well-being.
I’d like to describe the process of this research. We start with the premise that water has an ability to memorize various kinds of information. Because music is an assemblage of vibrations, it can be said that the difference in separate pieces of music is the difference in vibration. Water-crystal photography is a technique that can express the quality of each piece of music with a visual image. The water-crystal photographs in this collection of music were taken after each piece of music contained in the CD was plated to distilled water. Here is a brief explanation of how we do this:
First, we play each piece of music with a set of speakers to the vial filled with distilled water.
We place about 1mL of the water sample onto each petri dish. We do this with fifty dishes for each water sample.
We freeze the water contained in the fifty petri dishes at a temperature of -25 to -30 degrees centigrade.
Illuminating the frozen ice on each petri dish under a light microscope, we observe each water crystal and take sequence photographs with a magnification of 100X to 200X. These observations and photographs are made inside a large, cold room at -5 degrees centigrade.
It is the tip of the frozen and expanded ice that produces a water crystal. The ice block that is taken out of the freezer melts gradually because of the temperature difference and the light from the microscope. At this moment, the water crystal at the tip of the ice clock shows the expression of water that has resonated with each beautiful pieces of music. The technique of water-crystal photography can capture this moment as a picture. We continue to take beautiful images that complement each selection of excellent music we test.
But that is not all. The next step is to measure the hado contained in a water-crystal photograph. Let me explain how I came to measure the hado of photographs. For over fifteen years, I have successfully used a hado-measuring device, called a Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (MRA), to measure the characteristics of hado and adjust the balance of the human energy field. To do a hado measurement on a person, the client places his or her palm on the MRA’s measuring plate. I have found that if the client cannot be there in person, a photograph of the client works equally well in getting a hado measurement. Once the hado has been assessed, we can transfer to water a hado that counteracts any negative hado generated with the MRA. This is possible because water can memorize the hado, which is a vibration. The client then drinks the hado water, which corrects the disturbance in his or her energy balance, activates immunity, and facilitates self-healing power.
Now, let’s return to music. When we began to measure the hado of a piece of music, we found it difficult to do so directly, because music has no visible form. However, it became possible to measure the hado of music by measuring the hado of the water-crystal photographs of water that was exposed to the pice of music. By combining the water-crystal photography and hado-measuring techniques, the healing effects of music become very clear and concrete.
My associates and I exposed water to pieces of music, observed the resulting water crystals, and took photographs. At the same time, we measured characteristics of the hado of each photograph with the MRA. Based on the hado data, we could infer the potential healing effects of each piece of music in terms of its hado effect.
In our experiments, we used timeless pieces of music that have resonated well with people for many years. Accompanying the photographs is a brief history of each music selection and its composer so that you can connect with the emotions and hado of the original composer while you fully enjoy the music.
To use this book and CD set, please read each piece’s history and hado qualities first and then enjoy both the lovely music and the corresponding beautiful water-crystal photographs. As you do so, visualize each organ in your body, as described in the commentary, with great appreciation for the organ. The concentration of consciousness created by visualizing each organ and the wonderful, beneficial synthesis between seeing and hearing can impart healing effects unlike any you have previously experienced.
In like manner, the crystals contained in the Zen Domes Orgonite matrix have a profound effect on the naturally occurring salts and fluids found in the body.
To my American customers - please be advised that you may face a 25% tariff charge on orgone generators & crystals purchased from my shop. The good news is that all prices shown are in CAD, and $1.00 CAD = $ 0.63 USD so even if you are charged a tariff, you will likely pay less than you think. Thank you for your kind support. Dismiss