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Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman June 2016

My Quantum Health Transformation

The Romantic Singularity by Karen Holton

Everyone loves romance; but sadly, this was missing from my life as I waited for that special somebody to come sweep me off my feet.  I believed they would create a romantic environment for me, but little did I realize that true romance comes from within.  Now I enjoy a romantic single lifestyle, custom suited to myself.

It started when I noticed women buying each other flowers and small gifts as tokens of their appreciation and platonic affection for each other.  I thought: why not pamper myself?

I began picking flowers and buying small tokens of appreciation for myself in celebration of the good life I have created.  It is so wonderful to come home to find fresh flowers, and a hot pot of my favourite tea steeping under a bright cozy.  I kick off my shoes and enjoy the little favours that I set up for myself throughout each day.

When it comes to choosing gifts for others, I rarely know what the individual truly loves and needs, but I know exactly what I want, and how I want it.  This may sound selfish but I prefer to think of it as putting myself inside, and at the centre, of my circle of care.

Since I work from home, I plan several breaks and infuse many small rewards into my day, which are so lovely to enjoy.  Each day is filled with opportunities to spoil myself with romance and comfort.  I rarely feel lonely and I have chosen kind, like-minded friends for when I do want some company.  What more could I desire?

Romance is part of the healthy lifestyle I enjoy.  I prepare ahead beautiful, healthy, and delicious meals and snacks for myself; energizing short trips to places in nature; inviting and deeply relaxing mineral baths; and quiet, comforting evenings with my kitty.

This rewarding relationship with myself developed in stages as I found routines which worked well for me.  First I found it necessary to develop an inner parent who taught me the benefits of delayed gratification, how to follow a biologically appropriate diet, and is willing to set clear boundaries to protect my inner child.  Most of all, I learned to be compassionate and forgiving of myself, which led to becoming a Romantic Singularity.

When I am ready to share romance with another, my self-reliance will go a long way to ensure that my expectations are reasonable.  I can choose to be with someone special because I genuinely like them, rather than for what they bring to the table.

Don’t wait for that special somebody to come sweep you off your feet – create a romantic environment for yourself now.  True romance comes from within, and whether you are single or not, you can enjoy a romantic lifestyle, custom suited to you.  Love yourself first, and every moment can bring joy.

Sibella Circle Member & Visionary Leader

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Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman July 2016

My Quantum Health Transformation

Roles, Rituals & Games We Play by Karen Holton

Mother, daughter, and life-partner are just a few of the assigned roles I have played during my life, and they worked fairly well while living in the old paradigm.  Now, as I observe our real-time evolution into something new, I take responsibility for the roles I played in my past, and am grateful for how they have shaped and prepared me for new paradigm living.

The transition of roles is an interesting process.  When I stripped off my assigned roles, I felt like an empty vessel waiting to be filled with something unknown – something new.  Without a clear sense of identity, I started to shop cafeteria-style, for the new roles I was ready to try.  I chose wisely.

Then, rituals which no longer served me were discarded in favour of new – some sacred and some just for fun.  Rituals are the glue which holds society together, and they are essential for the transition from obsolete to cutting-edge ways of being.  Since there is no use for dramatic social game-playing in new paradigm life, my adventure picked up momentum and my relationships became more authentic.

We are all born into cultures which require us to assume certain roles, rituals and learn to play specific social games in order to fit into society.  I found out that many of these roles, rituals and games no longer served me and worse yet, some prevented me from becoming all that I am.

One of the games my culture is steeped in is called the Victim Triangle. When I spent time rescuing someone identified as a victim, I inadvertently turned complete persons into caricatures of who they really were.  This had a detrimental effect on the victimizer, victim and rescuer.  These games are not only ineffective, false realities; they are designed to ensure a high level of drama which distracts us from our higher purpose.

Mainstream cultural/social constructs are not healthful for many people.  Although we remain law-abiding citizens, more of us are now choosing our own definition of ourselves, and are becoming the experts and designers of our own lives.  How?  By living consciously & tapping into our own inner resources!

As I experimented with various roles, I learned to escape from old patterns that just didn’t add any joy, peace or health to my life.  I began to explore light/shadow work and male/female energy integration, which gave me more awareness and personal power.  I chose attributes and ways of knowing that I wished to strengthen, and let go of the ones that no longer serve me.

Finally, meditation and self-reflection facilitated my ease into new paradigm thinking and being.  Feelings became my compass as new values and new ways of expressing myself emerged.  I became my own compassionate observer, became patient with myself and frequently rewarded my successes.  After all, life is an experiment and a great adventure!

Sibella Circle Member & Visionary Leader

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Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman August 2016

My Quantum Health Transformation

Neutralizing Fear by Karen Holton

Even though I was doing everything possible to regain my health; fear, stress, and anxiety remained a part of my life until I learned to face up to, and effectively work with, all of my feelings.

Now, as soon as I become aware of undesirable feelings, I stop and focus on my breathing.  This momentarily stops the thinking part of my experience, and allows me to refocus and rely on my inner resources.  In this moment, I truly co-create my life situation by turning over my mind to the Creative Good.  This allows my internal dialog to collapse so I can re-set myself, and become more aware of my abundant internal spiritual guidance system.

Feelings are my compass; they tell me what is happening on all levels, so that my higher abilities can assist.  I came to understand how my mind can work against me with its perceptions and the stories I tell myself; however, when I feel a sensation and do not supply mind thought, I create space for my higher powers to come to the fore.

Fear can be neutralized.  I start by taking full responsibility for my situation, then I can appeal to my higher self to help me create an imaginative positive overlay of the outcome that I desire.  Then I simply get on with life by doing the things that I love.  When I expect the best, I trust myself and my Creative Good; and when I express gratitude for the things I appreciate in the Now, I automatically let go of worry and anxiety.

For example; in the past when I feared that I may not be able to meet my ongoing financial obligations, I found a great peace from taking full responsibility, and by promising myself that I would make sure there are sufficient resources to meet my desires regardless of circumstances.  Then I let it be so.

The magic lies in that precise moment that I accept full responsibility for my situation, as I have created it, and perceive it to be, before I look for more promising alternatives.  Miracles are born in this fierce moment, which often requires great courage.  This is how I learned to die to my former self, and be open to something new.

I am in charge of my re-creation and I will figure it out as I go along because only I can fine tune the necessary adjustments.  Stress is not my enemy.  Regardless of position in life, our best comes out when we are under pressure.  When life gets “easy” we become satisfied and lose our drive; without stress, we quickly lose our way within illusion and glamour.  The lessons remain regardless, but deliberate co-creation is most rewarding and brings about a calm peacefulness which neutralizes fear.  Only love remains.

Sibella Circle Member & Visionary Leader

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Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman September 2016


My Quantum Health Transformation

New Paradigm Living by Karen Holton

Although the ascension process is challenging, new paradigm living is full of pleasant realizations and experiences.  As we leave the projected world of duality, which dominates old paradigm thinking, we discover a plethora of life enhancing options.

When confined to duality thinking, we see options of “this or that”: fat or thin, rich or poor, good or bad.  Then one day, I realized that we can have our cake and eat it too!  I can experience “this and that” – a middle ground rich with endless combinations of options.

New paradigm living no longer constrains us to “this or that” choices because we expand our concept of “having”.  The power of “and” replaces the limits of “or”.  I can have abundance and humility; excitement and vitality, or be straight and gay.  How my life did change when I started seeing my options as this and that and the other thing too!

Expanding my concept of “having” also influenced my social life.  As I meet other awakened individuals, I respond to them on a whole new level.  We form friendships of equals, kin folk, mentors, teachers, playmates, and we look up to each other with deep love and respect.

We form a global tribe.  When one of us falters, the tribe grounds the temporarily unconscious one, and guides them back to awareness.  All is calm.  Since we share abundance consciousness, there is no need for backbiting, competition or self-elevation.  Unconditional love remains constant.

Although we may rarely see each other, when we do re-connect, it is like no time has passed at all.  Throughout this global, platonic love affair, we find intimacy as we heal each other with our hugs, inspiration and alternative healing modalities.

Linear thinking is essential for success in the old paradigm, but this impairs our imagination and spiritual growth.  The ascension process is holistic and requires us to forgive and love ourselves unconditionally, and soon we begin to love and nurture our bodies.  Rather than never feeling quite good enough within the old paradigm, we now transition into complete self-acceptance: warts, bumps and all.  Humour replaces regret.

Further, spending time daily without distractions allows for self-reflection.  Although this may feel like an internal battleground for a while, it develops our imagination and we soon find clarity and balance, guidance and loving support, health and vitality.  The cure for our every challenge is waiting to be discovered within; and the more we focus on any subject, the more detail is revealed, until we eventually become adept at accessing the akashic records, also known as the living library.

Change your position in the multi-verse by transitioning to new paradigm living.  By stepping out of the duality of old paradigm thinking, we access great powers lying with the imaginative realm of infinite possibility.  Health, love, intimacy, peace, joy and self-respect await us all.

Sibella Circle Member & Visionary Leader

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Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman October 2016

My Quantum Health Transformation

Ascension Symptoms by Karen Holton

I was sensitive to begin with, but once my ascension process kicked in, I became even more sensitive to the point where I felt like I was having physical and emotional reactions to everyone and everything.  This suffering became so intense that I was compelled to let go of my former ways of knowing and being, and then my Higher Power came to my rescue.

When life becomes so complex with undesirable thoughts, feelings and experiences, the soul bypasses the mind and joins forces directly with the body.  In the past, childbirth introduced me to the power and intelligence of my body.  This new experience was just as intense, painful and unbearable; and just like my experience with childbirth, I was forced to bear it since this process rendered my mind’s will impotent.

My suffering created a state of child-like innocence as I gave up my former belief systems.  I became filled with curiosity and wonder, combined with a sincere desire to find relief.  I had no choice but to follow the path of the Divine Fool – a place of not knowing and innocence.  A point of spiritual re-birth.

My suffering drove me to pursue well-being, and as my journey continued, addictions faded and wisdom surfaced.  I took steps toward a healthier lifestyle, and started to re-evaluate my ways of being and doing.  At first I experienced moments of relief, which encouraged me to continue.  In time moments of relief turned into hours of relief, which later became days of wellness.  Addictions, poor health, extra weight, emotional distress, anxiety and depression gradually just faded from my reality.  I still get the odd bad day, but my worst day now is better than my best day used to be.

Within my many hours of self-reflection, I pondered the cause for my suffering and realized that it was provoked by the culmination of my life’s choices.  I was responsible for the logical consequences of blindly following mainstream beliefs about pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, food – and everything else.  The universe was giving me a golden opportunity to wake up, love myself, and learn to take exquisite care of my body temple.  This process allows me to literally vibrate at a higher frequency and to activate more of my DNA.

I am responsible for my own recovery.  There is no way out of the suffering, but through it.  With the solid conviction that since I got myself into this state, I could also get myself out; I began my very spiritual journey of self-discovery.

Detoxification, experimenting with new ways of eating, learning to get in touch with my body sensation feedback system, and learning to trust myself as an authentic being – all led to my re-creation.  Now as a new being, I experience life on a new level.  Ascension symptoms only last until we make the shift to new paradigm realities.

Sibella Circle Member & Visionary Leader

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Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman November 2016

My Quantum Health Transformation

Energizing My Temple by Karen Holton

Wellbeing eluded me until I learned to energize my temple.  My body is a sacred gift given to me to serve as much more than an environmental suit.  There is so much potential for spiritual growth through appreciating the wisdom within our physical bodies.  Since we are what we eat, let’s look at my discoveries about food as sacred technology, and how this can improve our spiritual lives.

Food is not entertainment.  Living food is the most powerful and sacred way to infuse us with life force energy.  When we are noble about our food choices, sacred energy is passed from one form to another.  Our energies combine and the living/sacred food adapts to us and compensates for what we need.  This is why I decorate my living area with healthy, attractive, live foods.  I arrange fruit and veggie bowls, which keep the food at room temperature, and add so much beauty to my home.  Every time I glance at them, I feel happy, and this transmits happy energy and appreciation to my food “friends”.

Real food is alive.  The flesh and skin of fruits and vegetables are their external womb, which remains energetically connected to the original plants.  This is why fresh, local food is so important!  In addition, foods that come from trees like apples and almonds, also act as powerful medicines because they carry the energy from the whole tree.  These ties weaken, or are severed when food travels long distances to our table.

Edible plants and free-range animals have three primary purposes: to reproduce, to bring harmony to the ecosystem, and to serve as food.  Only non-GMO, chemical-free foods can do this because they are sacred.  This offering of life is not to be squandered by processing it into something recreational.  Food sources are delighted to offer themselves for the spiritual work of new paradigm living.

When we are holistically healing ourselves, we are living in harmony with the plants and animals.  This is why all humanely raised, nutrient dense foods are guilt-free.  They are good for us and when we consume them, we do no deliberate harm.  We crave that which we need (not the same as addiction).  When we crave a specific food, we need something within it.  When we have had enough, we crave something else.  Just like when we are thirsty, we are unmistakably attracted to what we need.

How can these healthful foods improve our spiritual lives?  When we eat a biologically appropriate diet, and learn to rest and digest, our physical, mental and spiritual health improves.  When we combine this with adequate sleep, we heal, digest, assimilate; and this gives us a chance to recharge our energetic systems.  Learn to energize your temple.  Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, keto/paleo, or just a healthy eater, your body is a gift and food is literally sacred technology waiting to be utilized.

Sibella Circle Member & Visionary Leader

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Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman December 2016

Sibyl Magazine

My Quantum Health Transformation

My Super Powers by Karen Holton

Super powers: everyone has them but few are even aware of them.  Super powers come from within and are supplied by Source Energy, also known as Holy Spirit, which is ever present regardless of our current state of consciousness.  We do not need the assistance of religious paradigms to access this unlimited power; all we need do is to keep open to the concept by creating sacred space within.  During this often confusing shift from old paradigm to new, we experience both realities for a while.  We now notice the assistance of spiritual technologies to see us through.

Rather than learning to do something specific, new paradigm realities emerge all on their own as we remove that which is not really a part of us.  Bad programming, patriarchy, religiosity, self-doubt, and poor health can hold us back by lowering our overall resonant frequency.  Waiting within the authentic self lies everything we need to know, do, be and express.

One of our super powers is in finding and utilizing our Inner Guru.  Our Inner Guru resides as the Observer in the presence of the Now.  When we stop looking backward and forward, time becomes creative magic.  The road to mindful, conscious living is the quickest route to find our Inner Guru.  Once we become a permanent unit, our Inner Guru will reveal more super powers, as we see for ourselves what only new paradigm reality can make possible.

The first thing I learned from my Inner Guru was how to self-diagnose and repair my own self-defeating patterns of thought and behaviour, which were holding me back.  I soon became aware of “just noticeable” differences in my life; and as I became aware of these changes, I strengthened my resolve to continue with this fascinating ascension process.  The effects are always physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual – all at the same time.

I discovered the powerful influence of a biologically appropriate diet, which can include blue-green algae, seaweeds and wild plants.  They supply advanced nutrition and medicines for our bodies, but they also alter our DNA, assisting with our ascension process by raising our overall resonant frequency.

Then I discovered crystals and Zen Domes orgonite (which amplify the power and influence of crystals).  Think of crystals as beautiful, spiritual friends with diverse personalities.  They communicate on a bandwidth of hundreds of thousands of KHz – they pulse faster than the speed of light!  Further, angels are connected to specific crystal frequencies, which is why they are used as spiritual communicators.  Crystals exist on a continuum which bridge the realms of heaven and earth.

Since finding my Inner Guru, I have developed an amazing array of super powers like: becoming a channel, a shamanic healer, and have the ability to create in the abstract and bring this into our shared reality.  Work with me and let me introduce you to your Inner Guru.  Once a mind has expanded, it never goes back, and a reward within new paradigm living is super powers, which will never let you down.

Sibella Circle Member & Visionary Leader