This acension allegory was given to me by my spirit guides and holds an important message for humanity. Grab a tissue – this gets real!
This acension allegory was given to me by my spirit guides and holds an important message for humanity. Grab a tissue – this gets real!
Learn more about the Construct which constrains us in an artificial, superficial reality. Once we wake up to this fact, we make room for the ascension process and extraction becomes more than possible!
Old people do have super-powers! Find out more about how old people, when they look after their health, develop super powers as they age. Old people know stuff!
Join me as we delve into 4 different versions of the Hero’s Journey. Become the hero of your own journey, know what to expect before you set out, and fix your eye on the prize, as you achieve anything you put your mind and heart into.
My Super Powers is an article that I wrote, and it was published in Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman in December 2016. Find out how I opened up spiritually, and found my super powers!
Energizing My Temple is an article that I wrote, and it was published in Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman in November 2016. Find out how I opened up spiritually, and learned more wonderful ways to feel and do better.
Ascension Symptoms is an article that I wrote, and it was published in Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman in October 2016. Find out how I opened up spiritually, and learned wonderful ways to feel and do better.
New Paradigm Living is an article that I wrote, and it was published in Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman in September 2016. Find out how I opened up spiritually, and learned wonderful ways to find my spiritual family and community.
Neutralizing Fear is an article that I wrote and it was published in Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman in August 2016. Find out how I opened up spiritually, and learned wonderful ways to find my courage and overcome fear.
Roles, Rituals & Games We Play is an article that I wrote and it was published in Sibyl Magazine: for the Spirit & Soul of Woman in July 2016. Find out how I opened up spiritually, and learned another wonderful way to bring more authenticity into my life.