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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, March 9th, 2025 – Pt 2 Ch 8 ET LOVE & REPRODUCTION

Pt 2, Ch 8 – ET LOVE & REPRODUCTION. Find out more about my true, real life transdimensional adventures aboard the Big Ship and with many different ET beings, as presented in my book called, TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours, now available from Amazon Books worldwide. Thank you for joining us in the live group chat during the show, for asking me questions and sharing your comments! Find all of my links below. Check me out: subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and please do share my content with your friends!

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Quantum Guides Show E209 Nina the Mystic – SLEEP PARALYSIS & ET CONTACT

Sleep paralysis, and possible ET visitation! Meet Nina the Mystic – Host/Producer of the Nina the Mystic Truther Podcast. Today we talk about sleep paralysis, ET contact and much more about this very talented woman. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends! All of the links are featured below in the description.

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, March 2nd, 2025 – Pt 2 Ch 7 DAILY ROUTINE ON THE BIG SHIP

Pt 2, Ch 7 – DAILY ROUTINE ON THE BIG SHIP. Find out more about my true, real life transdimensional adventures with E.T., the Big Ship and interesting New Worlds, as presented in my book called, TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours, now available from Amazon Books worldwide. Check me out: subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and please do share my content with your friends!

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Quantum Guides Show E208 Phil Warder – SOUND HEALING & JUMPING TIMELINES

Sound healing, jumping timelines & animal totems! Meet Phil Warder – Host/Producer of the Unexplained Inc. Podcast and Core Shaman. Today we will talk about jumping timelines through sound healing and spirit animals, including doves and owls, and how he discovered his connection to the Mantis Beings. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends! All of the links are featured below in the description.

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, February 23rd, 2025 – Pt 2 Ch7 LIFE ON THE BIG SHIP

Pt 2, Ch 7, LIFE ON THE BIG SHIP. Find out more about my true, real life transdimensional adventures with E.T., the Big Ship and interesting New Worlds, as presented in my book called, TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours, now available from Amazon Books worldwide. Thank you for joining us in the live group chat during the show, for asking me questions and sharing your comments! Find all of my links below. Check me out: subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and please do share my content with your friends!

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My Story – Part 3 My ET Contact

In 2014 I experienced extensive ET contact.  I published the details about these experiences and my lifelong paranormal adventures in a book called “TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours”.

In my book I share the stunning details about E.T. diversity and culture, along with their advanced ways of living and expressing spirituality, which is in no way like anything imagined here on Earth.  “TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours” introduces you to many different E.T. beings, the healing pods, the interior of the Big Ship, my orientation process, cultural events, and off-world mating practices.

When I tucked myself into my bed for the night back in 2014, I had no idea that I would be transported to the Big Ship, meet many different extraterrestrial races of beings, become well acquainted with their culture and visit numerous interesting worlds.  While away, I learned a great deal about the Big Ship, intergalactic and transdimensional travel, intergalactic planetary research, and the various options for resettlement.

My true-life adventures continued night after night and I had never experienced anything like this before!  The first few times that I awoke back at home, I convinced myself that it had all been some kind of a fantastic dream, but while away I was eating, sleeping, learning, and visiting, all the while experiencing what I perceived as days, weeks, and months.  You can imagine that as I returned to my bed each night, I felt a ripple of excitement and wondered what my future transdimensional experiences would bring.

 I am so happy to present you with my true, non-fiction account of my weird little life and the more important messages from beyond our realm that I have been tasked to share with all of you.  It is my hope and sincere desire that I will inspire you to acknowledge your own transdimensional abilities and experiences, so that together we can become the change we wish to see in our world.  Wishing you many blessings.

Click here to order “TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours” from the Amazon and Kindle Bookstores worldwide.

Click here to order your signed copy of “TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours” from this website.

Click here to order your full colour, full size collection of the beautiful AI Generated images that are only featured in Grey Scale within both of my books.

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Quantum Guides Show E207 Amy Litwiller – LIVE CARD READING

Live Mystical Card Reading! Find out about Amy Litwiller and her journey and have a free card reading by joining in the live chat. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends! All of the links are featured below in the description.

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, February 16th, 2025 – Pt 2 Ch 6 ORIENTATION

Pt 2, Ch 6, ORIENTATION. Find out more about my true, real life transdimensional adventures with E.T., the Big Ship and interesting New Worlds, as presented in my book called, TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours, now available from Amazon Books worldwide. Check me out: subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and please do share my content with your friends!

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Quantum Guides Show E206 Jay Skyrunner – THE HUMAN 2.0 SUPER AVATAR

Jay Skyrunner believes that your Soul’s mission is to become the Ultimate DNA-Human 2.0 Super Avatar of the Multiverse, and he says we are The New Earth Alliance. Jay has put out the call for Starseeds to Unite, rise together to bring forth the new energies for DNA upgrade and access our true power and transform the earth densities. All of the links are featured below in the description. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, February 9th, 2025 – Pt 2 Ch5 THE BIG SHIP

Pt 2, Ch 5, THE BIG SHIP. Find out more about my true, real life transdimensional adventures with E.T., the Big Ship and interesting New Worlds, as presented in my book called, TRANSDIMENSIONAL: Meet the New Neighbours, now available from Amazon Books worldwide. Thank you for joining us in the live group chat during the show, for asking me questions and sharing your comments!