Here are the newly updated components of the Quantum Health Transformation V.3.0 Advanced Training for Healers and Alternative Health Practitioners, 9 Step online course:
The Quantum Health Transformation program is ideal for those who are “awakening” and for those who are experiencing “ascension symptoms,” but the content is beneficial for everyone who wishes to experience a better quality of life.
Note: each Step has at least two videos of the same name. The VIDEO TUTORIAL features the details found in the PRIMER, and the other is a LIVE VIDEO WORKSHOP, which features the online workshop illustrating the points from the VIDEO TUTORIAL with my own life experiences and the experiences of my students. They are meant to work together so please watch both to fully benefit from this course. The VIDEO TUTORIALS are done in narrated slide show format.
Quantum Health Transformation V.3.0 Advanced Training for Healers and Alternative Health Practitioners Orientation Video Tutorial
Quantum Health Transformation is for everyone who wishes to become the change we wish to see in the world. This course will benefit everyone, at any level of mental or physical health. It is ideal for those searching for a comprehensive, wholistic lifestyle program, experiencing ascension symptoms, alternative healers, or those who simply want to expand their awareness.
This is the Orientation for the free, Quantum Health Transformation V.3.0 online course: Steps 9, 8 & 7 open the mind and raise awareness. Steps 6, 5, & 4 teach you holistic detoxification: body, mind & perceptions. Steps 3, 2, & 1 teach you steps to achieve ascension, and/or simply create a peaceful and rewarding reality.
Quantum Health Transformation V.3.0 Advanced Training for Healers and Alternative Health Practitioners Orientation Video Live Workshop.
Links to the complete free course:
- Step 9 Black – Introduction to “Nubby Ball TM Tool & Light/Shadow Integration
- Step 8 Red – Grounding & Core Belief Systems
- Step 7 Orange – Develop New Core Beliefs & Male/Female Energy Balance
- Step 6 Yellow – Total Detoxify: Part 1 External, Part 2 Internal & Part 3 Emotional
- Step 5 Green – Food as Medicine & Source of Universal Love Energy
- Step 4 Blue – Understand the Power of Heuristics Know Your Truth & Speak Your Truth
- Step 3 Indigo – Understand & Use Perception within the Construct to Manifesting Change
- Step 2 Violet – Integration with Your Higher Selves
- Step 1 White – Achieve a State of Bliss & Spiritual Exercises
Good Health to You!